Parents' Night Out at First Methodist ~ First Friday of the month. The time is 5:30 - 9:30 and the cost is $25 per family. We serve the kids pizza and drinks (sprite, coke or juice) and we have lots of fun playing! You can sign up by calling the church office. (229) 242-4050 church office.
YMCA Gymnastics Center on N. Valdosta Rd. does a Friday night 6:30-9:30 “Parents Night Out" the first 2 Fridays of the month. $15/child non-members; $10/child for members. Pizza, drinks, & activities are included. Call for a reservation; space is limited 229-244-3409.
Valdosta-Lowndes YMCA Kids Night Out every third Friday of every month. It starts at 6pm and ends at 9pm. The kids play games and eat pizza or Chic-fil-a. It is $10.00 for each child if you are a member and if not it is $15. 2424 Gornto Rd. 229-244-4646
Looks like White Tiger has camps and kids nights too