Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Annual Father Daughter Dance!

I don't have daughters, but I think this is such a wonderful thing for fathers to do with their daughters.  Young women need their fathers to be good role models!  If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, do so soon - they always go quick!

Saw this blog on FaceBook just now and this is why I love the Father-Daughter Dance.

Parents Night Out, 2/11

The youth choir at Valdosta First Methodist will be hosting another Parents Day Out on Saturday, February 11th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We will have organized activities for your children, serve lunch and have a quiet time with video sometime after lunch.  We serve pizza, soft drinks and apple juice.  Feel free to bring something different if your child does not like pizza or is too young to eat it. 

You can sign up for this by emailing or calling me, sign up on the nursery hall at the church or call the church office (242-4050).  Feel free to forward this email to a friend.  We will take reservations up until noon the day before. 

Paula Addy

Friday, January 20, 2012

Leapin' Lizards Family Feast & Fun Night

Don't forget...Friday night is Family Feast & Fun Night at Leapin' Lizards Party and Fun Zone! Get 2 kid’s admissions, 1 large pizza, and a pitcher of Pepsi for only $25!! (Have only 1 kid - no problem, same deal with one kid’s admission for only $20!!)…Plus a FREE temporary tattoo for each kiddo! Open 10am-9pm.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kindermusik Classes

The classes begin Feb. 7 for the spring.
Village class (ages new born to 18 months) that meets on Tuesdays at 9:30. Our curriculum is 'Cock-a-doodle moo/Dew Drops'.

Our Time (18 months to 3 year) on Tuesdays at 10:30 and Wednesdays at 9:15. Our curriculum is 'Away We Go'.

We go for 12 weeks and will be done on May 1 with the spring break week off.

The cost for 12 weeks and the take home materials is $190. All classes are held at CrossPointe Church. 
Contact information; Karen Van Nuss: 229 794-1673 or 229 292-7038

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Saturday Morning Art Classes for Children

It's a new year and our wonderful
Saturday Morning Art classes for children
are ready to reconvene in February.  These classes are taught by Walter Hobbs on a monthly basis, and meet on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.  The classes cover a range of media and subjects, and the cost is only $50 for an entire month!
Call the Center for more information or to sign up!!

Contact Information


phone: 229-247-ARTS

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kidz Klothing & More Consignment Sale

It’s that time of year!


Send 2 contact phone numbers with request


Price in whole dollars only!

Mark “ND” in RED

New PRESALE TIME! 6:00-8:00




***RECEIVING DAY**** SATURDAY, February 4, 2012 9AM-3PM

Consignor's Pre-Sale SATURDAY, February 4, 2012 6PM - 8PM (please, no children)

Open to Public SUNDAY, February 5, 9AM – 7PM

Monday, February 6, Tuesday, February 7, Wednesday, February 8, 9AM-6PM

Half Price Sale: Thursday, February 9, 8AM – 6PM

Pick up Clothes and $ Friday, February 10, 2PM – 6PM

All items have to be picked up before 6:00PM. Any items not picked up will be donated to local charities Friday evening, so PLEASE mark your calendars!

MATHIS AUDITORIUM (Ashley Street – by South Georgia Medical Center)

Receiving: All items must be received, racked and displayed BEFORE 3PM. For Seller Number, E-MAIL Elizabeth West or Martha Ann Berlin at or call Elizabeth @ 229-834-5233 or Martha Ann @404-394-4044. **We will return your emails or calls in the evenings because we both work full-time during the day.

We also NEED VOLUNTEERS to help work the sale.  If you work 4 hours, you get to shop at 4:30 before the consignors pre-sale Saturday. An 8 hour shift will allow you to shop at 4:00. If you would be interested in working, please e-mail us and we will put you on the schedule. 


1.   ***3x5 index cards MUST be used to tag items and MUST be attached with straight pins.  -- NO safety pins, please.

2.   Your seller number goes in the TOP RIGHT corner of each card

3.   Mark your card "ND" (No Discount) in RED in the bottom left corner if you do NOT want your items to go ½ price on the last day.

4.   Put the description & size in the middle of the card.

5.   Put the price in the BOTTOM RIGHT hand corner.

6.   Clothing items should be hung on hangers with “hook” facing the left when held in front of you.

7.   Jeans/pants/bloomers should be secured to hangers with safety pins and/or to matching tops. (This is the only exception to safety pins.  DO NOT use them to attach index cards!)

8.   Toy items should be bagged securely & taped shut with tag on outside.

9.   On Big Items, your seller number should be marked on the bottom with a permanent marker. Use strong, clear packing tape to secure your tag. (Scotch tape is not strong enough).

10.  Shoes should be placed in Ziploc bags when they will fit, otherwise, tie shoe strings together or buckle shoes in pairs.

11.  Inspect twice for stains-check knees, crotch, bottom, sleeves, collar, neck.       PLEASE DON'T BRING ANYTHING WITH STAINS.  WE WILL BE CLOSELY CHECKING EACH ITEM. Please be considerate of other consignors and DOUBLE CHECK!!!!!

 Items to be accepted:  Gently worn SPRING & SUMMER clothing items sizes NB thru Jr's Sizes; Formal & Special Occasion Wear; Baby Clothing & Items(car seats, bouncers, exersaucers, high chairs, etc.);  Children's Furniture/Equipment; Playsets;  Ride-on Toys; Videos/DVDs/Video Games and systems; Toys (without small pieces); Books; Children's shoes (max 3 pr); NO SOCKS OR UNDERWEAR.  Sorry No Maternity.  Everything should be in great condition.  Items with missing buttons, tears, and outdated items will not be accepted.

Maximum number of clothing items is 50 pieces.  You make 70% of the sales price, less a $5.00 participation fee.  We are not responsible for fire, theft, accident, or damage.   


* Cash only (except at Pre Sale- Pre Sale is the only time we will accept checks). 

Circus, Wednesday, January 25

I have seen these coupons for free kids at Rodeo & CVS.  I am sure they are located at other retailers as well!

Tunes For Tots, Saturday, January 21

Sleeping Beauty: The Ballet, January 21 & 22

Prof. Jacque Wheeler Theatre & Dance
Area Chair:

Box Office:
Communication Arts: Phone: 229-333-5820
Fax: 229-293-6182

Ramona Quimby, February 3 & 4, 2012